Starts with 30 minutes, you get extra minutes each month
How does it work?In the menu, go to the section Subscriptions and benefits → Subscription Premium
The subscription covers an unlimited number of rides up to a maximum of 30 minutes (every additional month, the rides are extended by bonus minutes up to 45 minutes).
From the second month you automatically receive a loyalty bonus from us - your journeys are extended to 35 minutes, from the third month to 40 minutes and from the fourth to 45 minutes.
You can find your current bonus in the subscription details:
If you suspend your subscription during the cold months, you will keep the bonus. You lose the bonus when you end your subscription.
You activate the subscription in the application in the menu in the Subscriptions and benefits section.
In the same place, you will find an overview of subscription payments and the option to terminate or suspend it (from autumn).
The subscription is paid automatically, always on the same day of the month when you activated it. Example: I activate the subscription on 24.3., I have prepaid until 23.4.. If I don't end it, the next payment will take place on 24.4.
If the following month does not have the given day, the payment will be made earlier. Example: I activate my subscription on 31.3., the next payment will take place on 30.4. (April does not have a 31st day). Then 31.5.
The subscription is automatically paid throughout the year. For the cold months, we offer the possibility of suspension without losing the bonus.
Go to the subscription details in the Subscriptions and benefits section. You can end it by clicking the "End subscription" button.
Your current prepaid period will remain with you upon termination. The subscription will so-called catch up, and you will be able to use rides for 30 minutes until it ends. But the next payment will not take place. At the end of the prepaid period, you will automatically switch to the basic tariff - paying for each ride separately.
The subscription only covers rides of up to 30 minutes on one bike only (up to 45 minutes in the case of a bonus). Longer rides or a second round are charged after 30 minutes according to the current price list.
Yes. The extra bike package for 24 hours can be added to any tariff. You can find it in the Subscriptions and benefits section.
Write to us directly from the Rekola app
and we will discuss it with you in turn. Customer support works daily from 9 am to 5 pm.